Saturday, September 19, 2009

Religion in School?

As I read “Religion in Schools” and Library of Congress Artifact, it just reminds me that some people have too much time on their hands. People will sue over anything! I believe that there should be a separation of school and state. However, I don’t believe that a moment of silence has anything to do with religion. I look at the moment of silence as a time for the students and myself to reflect on our goals for the day. And as it relates to the pledge, I have always had my students to stand when the Pledge of Allegiance is spoken, however I do not force them to say the pledge. I believe that individuals should show respect to the flag. The American flag is a symbol of honor and respect that’s why it is illegal to burn the flag. We as Americans have to show respect to the country or why are you here?

The comparison between both articles show that the right of speech is guaranteed in each situation. For example, students should have the choice to sit quietly during the moment of silence without praying and students should not be required to say the Pledge of Allegiance.

The differences between the two articles are each article discusses different lawsuits, which were brought upon by two different religion groups. The two religion groups were Jehovah’s Witness and Atheists. Also, one case was about the Pledge of Allegiance and the other case was about the moment of silence.


  1. Hi,
    Great point about the moment of silence. I went in another direction with my post, but I felt the same way when I read the article. In fact, the article clearly states that a moment of silence can be either an opportunity to pray or a chance to think quietly. I too agree that people have way too much time on their hands. As Lightning McQueen, from the Cars Movie, would say, Holy Shut!
    Holly Brew

  2. I also tell my students to stand during the pledge but they do not have to say it. I ask them to stand out of respect for those who want to say. Then we who say it respect them when they do not want to say it with us. It does not matter to me if I am the only one saying it because that is my right to say it and theirs not to say it.

  3. Your needed to be more complete in your entry. Anything to say about Darwin and the Theory of Evolution? Also, your entry did have some punctuation as well as grammatical errors.
